Projects 2012

Expenses for Projects 2012

We spent a total of 576.132 Euro for our projects in 2012. This is 134.537 Euro less than last year.
The predicted expenses were twice as high, since we had the building of our new kitchen and sewing workshop in the initial budget. Due to the developments in Burma/Myanmar we stopped the building. At the same time we started saving heavily, we reduced the number of daily meals, stopped fruit and milk and did not increase salaries. We also did not hire new people, which meant our staff were quite overloaded.
In our initial budget we also had planned expenses for projects, which in the meantime could be covered by our sister organization Help without Frontiers Thailand and are still visible on our balance sheet for income and expenses. Around 70.000 Euro, which was used to build the youth centre and renovate the kitchen, will show up in the 2013 calculations.
Schools, training and dormitories 184.786 euro 32,1%
Health and Medical Projects 37.511 euro 6,5%
Community and Income Generation 16.531 euro 2,9%
Food and Agriculture 186.555 euro 32,4%
Social Centre and project assistance* 70.595 euro 12.3%
Building new youth centre, renovation, small vehicles 79.450 euro 13,8%
Microcredits staff/partners 704 euro
Total Expenses for projects 576.132 Euro
Bankcharges, Tax, exchange rate loss 5.619 Euro

Financial report 2012

Introduction to the financial report 2012

Our anniversary year had a promising start, but due to the financial crisis and changes in Burma, by mid-year things were not looking so good any more. Luckily, due to the efforts of our members, board and the media during our 10-years anniversary celebration, we were able to reverse this negative trend.
For projects and administration we had a total income of 754.020 Euro, which is an increase of 13,2%. We had an income (donations and contributions) of 695.355 Euro (+19,3%).
The difficult economic situation could also be seen in our administration income. Many of our ‘sponsors’ had to cut down in these hard times. We received 58.664 Euro (-29,5%) for our administration.
The expenditures for our projects dropped to 576.132 Euro (-18,9%).Expenses for administration in South Tyrol, trips marketing, covered by separate income, was 79.489 Euro net (-8,9%).